National Capital Dahlia Society Show 9/28-29/2024
September 22, 2024

Mark your calendar! National Capital Dahlia Society Show 9/28-29/2024 and stem sale after the show on Sunday. The horticulture will leave you in awe and artistic designs in the “Hats Off to You…” theme classes will inspire you.

Fun additional fact – there is Brookside  yoga class that Saturday morning, 9:30 AM.  After your beautiful and relaxing session, take a nice long walk around the grounds, pack a picnic, then head into the show.  Sounds like a pretty perfect day!

Welcome Back!
September 17, 2024

Welcome back to another year of gardening education, projects, and friends!  We are kicking off our September meeting with a field trip to the National Cathedral.  We are touring the Bishop’s Garden.  All the details are in our newsletter, The Gardenzette.  Check out our September edition here —>Gardenzette September 2024 web

Interested in joining our club?  Send us an email at [email protected]

Our next meeting is Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. at Little Falls Presbyterian Church.  Kathy Ward joins us to lead a hands-on floral design workshop.

And we are on Instagram! Follow us!  Here’s the link:

Have a wonderful summer – in the garden! And our June Gardenzette
June 11, 2024

Well, we’ve completed another fun and interesting club year – with great speakers, good programs, supported our community through work at Rock Spring Park, Ball-Sellers House, our senior outreach at Mary Marshall Home, our pre-school program at Glebe Elementary, our Junior Gardener program at Tuckahoe, our floral outreach to members,  fun field trips, plus plant sales, pumpkin design fundraisers, and successful flower show. Most of all, we grew our membership, made new friends, gardened together, and worked together.  Our club is very blessed and fortunate.

We will resume our meetings on Thursday, September 19, 2024.  If you’re looking for a garden club to join, feel free to reach out to us anytime- just email us at [email protected]

Here’s the June 2024 edition of The Gardenzette —-click here —–>Gardenzette June 2024 for web

Here Comes The Sun Small Standard Flower Show
May 18, 2024

Many thanks to our members for their participation in Rock Spring Garden Club’s May 2024 Flower Show, “Here Comes The Sun’ – a tribute to the Fab Four.  Thank you also to our friends, families, neighbors, and fellow garden club members who supported our club and came to see the show. That was very much appreciated.  Enjoy these photos from the show. And congratulations to our top exhibitors!

May 2014 edition of The Gardenzette
May 18, 2024

Our May edition of The Gardenzette is here! Just click ——>  Gardenzette May 2024 for web  

Always lots of good information on and from our garden club!

You’re Invited to our Flower Show – Thursday Sept 16 1-3 p.m.
May 2, 2024

The April Gardenzette is Here!
April 17, 2024

Enjoy the latest activities at Rock Spring Garden Club – Just click here —–> Gardenzette April 2024 for web

Our April 18th  meeting begins at 10:00 a.m. at Little Falls Presbyterian Church, 6025 Little Falls Rd, Arlington includes prepping for our May 16 FLOWER SHOW!!  It’s open to the public at 1:00 p.m. – all are welcome!  Here Comes The Sun – A Tribute to the Fab Four!  And a tour of Scotland with club members Anita Brown and Thea McGinnis. Laughter included.




Mark your calendar! NCAGC District III is hosting a flower show. Don’t miss it!
March 28, 2024

Our March 2024 Edition of Rock Spring Garden Club’s “The Gardenzette”
March 28, 2024

Happy Spring!  We know you’re outside getting your gardens ready for the season.  Take time out, though, to enjoy Rock Spring Garden Club’s monthly activities by reading The Gardenzette.  Just click here —–> Gardenzette March 2024 Web pdf


For more information about Rock Spring Garden Club, email us at [email protected]

P.S. Our next general meeting is Thursday, April 18, 2024  10:00 a.m.


February 15, 2024 – RSGC General Membership Mtg & The Gardenzette
February 12, 2024


Here’s the link to our latest edition of The Gardenzette! We’ve been busy!

Just click here  —>Gardenzette February 2024 for web

We are getting to the other side of Winter!  We are still bundled up, perusing our seed catalogues and planning out our gardens.  Still, we look forward to getting out to our upcoming membership meeting  at Little Falls Presbyterian Church, 6025 Little Falls Road, Arlington, VA, Thursday, February 15, 2024.  Our social time begins at 9:45 with coffee and refreshments. Our business meeting follows. and our program commences at 11:00 a.m. Bonus: We have two new members joining us this month!

Our program  this month is all about growing and using unusual herbs. Joining us is Peg Riccio, garden writer, blogger, Camelot Garden Club member, and a very active member of the Herb Society of America.  Our meeting is free and open to the public. Please RSVP to [email protected] if you’d like to join us.

Mark your calendars! Rock Spring Garden Club is hosting a NGC Small Standard Flower Show at Little Falls Presbyterian Church on Thursday, May 16!  It’s Free and Open to the Public at 1:00 pm – 3:00 p.m.  More details next month (pssst The Fab Four are involved…)

floral design by club member, Renee Bayes



Header and Footer photos by Mary Cottrell
This site created by Alliance Management Group